Sunday, May 22, 2005

Ooh *sucking noise* that's awkward

My cat has gotten so ridiculously fat that she's now officially ball shaped. Earlier today she was too lazy to get off of the remote control she was sitting on, so instead I kinda rolled her off of it. And I gotta say, boy howdy do I love her all the more because of it. I have a yen for fat things. For some reason, roly poly babies and animals get me all snuggle-cited. The other day I spent 2 hours looking on the SPCA and Operation Kindness websites trying to find a suitably adorable puppy that I could adopt and make my parents cry about it a little since they're kind enough to let me move back in with them for a bit. I eventually pried my salivating self away from the adorability and tried to imagine things I hate like hippies until the post puppy glow died.

Other than that not tons has been going on. I have applied for a job in Dallas and intend to do so many more times. The job search is so.....vast. Even if I know what I want, I need to know names of companies in order to find anything on Monster or Craigslist quickly or not sheer luck. And if I get one more email from an insurance company that offers me employment, I'm going to insure THEM.

In Boston I have a lot of friends that are not really good friends, but could be. As in, I feel a connection with them, either because we like the same stuff or talking is just easy or they have the same sense of humor, whatever. However, I feel that after I move away that will more or less drift away until it's kinda not there anymore. I've been trying to decide whether or not I should care. I would say definitely yes, but on the other hand, if I keep mooning over lost chances I'll drive myself crazy. I have one friend who insists that she has a "friend quota". I don't think that these things exist because inevitably you can't possibly get along that well with that many people, and even if you do you have to wonder what they're really like. An example, I have a friend here in Boston that I continually try to get close to via the Meg plan of attack wherein I basically am way too blunt for my own good. I didn't say it was a *good* plan.

I'm impatient by nature so I tend to try to force friendship trust when I decide I really like and respect someone. It actually really doesn't happen all that often, but it works really well when the other person wants the same trust that I do. For all of my girlfriends this more or less happened, but it was also a mutual action. I find that I want the same trust with male friends of mine and it never happens because of the awkwardness of possible attraction. Even if we've established that nothing romantic is a possibility, there's still a hesitation. I have to wonder if it's a personality thing specific to certain people or if I just get it or something. I've had the same reservations, but I tend to ignore them until they come up or I go ahead and establish something. I'm not saying this doesn't cause problems, but come on people, isn't life too short to let sexuality come in between a possible good friendship?

And while I'm on the subject of friends, a quick recap of the weekend. Friday was another missed opportunity as far as bonding is concerned, but I did get to go see Joel at Abe's performance. It was really pretty cool and I'm happy I went even if I'm too poor for a $10 cover. Today was laid back and then Em and I went to the boyses concert which had WAY too much Morley, the bastard child of English renaissance composition. After Emily and I relived our teenage years by doing each other's hair and makeup, we took our obscenely hot selves over to Andy's for a prom party. I was upset because I realized when I showed that I had neither enough sleeve volume, nor enough bling to be considered promish. I mean, I put on so much sparkle that I could have lit a darkened cave with the luminescence of my face, but it didn't compare to rhinestones. Another time, perhaps.

Tonight, Denis YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Oh my crap I'm so excited I could burst. Coolest man ever. Yeah, not you or your friend. Only Denis. I joke a lot about wanting to marry people, but if Denis offered I would pass out with joy and surprise. Like a possum. *gargly noises*

Monday, May 16, 2005

Best work application ever

I am at present online applying for a job for July at an overly respectable retailor in Dallas. This is all part of my never ending quest to not be forced to work in administration for the rest of my paltry life. Firstly, I would like to point out that cats are no good for filling out applications online. Serafina (yes, she has a name) has finally moved on to bigger and better things like biting my ankles, but I doubt this boon can last. It's hard to know who you're putting down as your reference when a fat kitty is sitting in front of the screen.

Anyway, I'll tell briefly about my weekend at the end of this post, but I just have to get off my chest how funny this application is. At the beginning of it all, you tell them where you want to work and then there's a series of questions they ask, java style. So I say "Dallas, TX" since that is where I will be living. One of the first questions they ask me is "Is the job you're applying for in Maryland?" Oooooookay. I hit "no" and move on. Then they ask typical questions such as "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" etc. and then "Is the job you're applying for in Maine?" Uhhhhhh. No. What? I'm beginning to wonder if they're going to move through all the states when the test switches forums to what appears to be a personality test. Most of the questions were "Are you talkative", "Do you play well with others", "Are you a lazy bum that will inevitably start playing solitaire on the computer the second we turn our backs" and so on. And, most recently, "It is maddening when the courts let guilty criminals go free". I have no idea why that is on an application to work retail sales. Wow. Also, "There's no use having close friends, they always let you down". If I didn't know better, I'd say I was being psycho-analyzed whilst attempting to apply to a freaking department store. I'm selling pants, people, not working in a psychiatric ward. "People are often mean to you". Sup, four eyes?

Well we'll see how the job search goes in general. I figure it can't hurt to apply someplace prestigious like a law firm. Oh wait, I'm not doing that. Actually, one of the jobs I looked at today said that it requires "a strong sense of urgency". Hello, Ma'am, we'd like to offer you avon makeup NOW NOW NOW!!! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE IN THE NEXT 10 MINUTES!!! THE GOVERNMENT WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY AND YOUR CHILDREN WILL EAT CATFOOD UNTIL THEY STARVE WHEN THEIR FATHER CAN'T PROVIDE FOR THEM!!! How much can I put you down for?

Moving on, my weekend was generally quite fun. Just your normal concerts, parties, hanging out with my fake hubby Jeff. Turns out Alex is now jealous that I have chosen another gay man over him, to which I respond, A) I said I was going to marry Jeff when he was straight and it was an option and B) Alex, when you said you wanted to fake marry me last week, you then subsequently totally spurned our love in public. Lame. Saturday was too much drinking and activities that led to very odd dreams. Basically, the dream was multifaceted and long and so weird that I don't really feel at leisure to explain it, but what got me is that for part of it I was more or less leading on two guys. One that resembles very closely someone I actually know and the other who doesn't exist but was super hot. I occasionally have dreams that I would say downright confuse me. It's like I have decided either on a relationship status (read here: friendship) I have or feelings I do or don't have for other people and then I have a dream where I'm either dating them or they're in love with me. I wake up, get a little freaked out, and then, you know, go back to sleep. I lurve to sleep.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Batista's ex-girlfriend is a beeyotch.

Happy now, Grumpy Pants? For the record, she might be, but she's also a snotty selfish douche that shouldn't be mooned over.

Okay then. SPEAKING of mooning things, I had a little "adventure" today. I'm not really sure why all the weird stuff happens to me, I just know that it does. So yesterday post work at HLS, I decide to change into my workout clothes pre walking to the gym. There's the Shangri-La of bathrooms on the first floor so I scampered down there. It's HUGE and marble and there's even a cute little settee with a nice screen in front of it in the corner. So I wander in around 5:05, there are no students around and no one really works on the first floor, so I'm all alone. I put my belongings on the bench and begin to change fairly rapidly but without ever really taking any clothes off. It's a trick you learn as a woman in large dressing rooms. I mean, some womens just walk around buck naked, but I loves me some clothes so I tend to kind of pile things on and then take off my original outfit so I'm only wearing one. It kind of reminds me of Cistercian prom, but that's a different story. Anywhom, I'mm there alone when I realize that my gym shorts are the pair that really aren't meant to be worn with yet another pair of underwear since they already have their own built in. I consider this predicament for a moment and then decide "What the hey! No one's been in here for 10 minutes and I'm kind of hidden behind a screen!" For the record, the screen is definitely enough to cover you if no one's looking kinda, but it's not the most concealing article of furniture I've ever seen. Moving on, the very *second* I drop trow, someone walks in the door. She glances, I panic, almost fall over, I can't get my foot through the hole, you get the picture. Whoever it was probably saw my booty, but we'll never know because I ran the second I actually managed to put them on. Kind of like the time I was changing in my room sophomore year and glanced out the window and saw someone STARING STRAIGHT AT ME. Or like the time freshman year when I was living in the yard and changing and classes let out and I fell over trying to put on jeans and revealed my underwear to hundreds of people. The stories go on.

Other than that, SOMEONE who lives in my apartment and is not a mew needs to get over his ex girlfriend. I think we can all agree that she's a bitch, she's not half as cute as I am, he was the attractive one in the relationship anyway, and that he has enough problems without the stress anyway. But he did ask me to put out a small plea for someone to come over and makeout with his hotness so that he can call his ex and tell her. I told him that I wouldn't and Kitty isn't allowed, so we're turning to other sources. Richard, go out and peruse the ladies of Boston and report back to me. I will invent a questionnaire.

Noreen, Nermal is the most awesomest name for a mew mew ever. Liz, we are not going to talk about oozing anymore. Ew. Amy, I think pea soup green is a great color. Em, why aren't we watching Deep Blue Sea?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I have not posted in a little bit and normally I would apologize to those of you who care, but I sense that only Liz really seems to care. In fact, she makes me feel downright guilty sometimes, but right now she's so focused on the LSAT that it appears that I have gone by the wayside. *sob* On the other hand, I can now post at my leisure. Take THAT, friends!!! Wait...

Anyway, I have officially started working at the Perkins Center for Deaf/Blind Children. This means that they are deaf AND blind, which must SUCK. On the other hand, they're super cute so they have that working for them. It's all for the better that I don't know sign language, or I would teach them key ways to get around in the world, like how to sucker your parents into buying you stuff and how to look so amazingly adorable that no one can resist your requests, etc. I can't wait to corrupt my own children someday. This reminds me of the time when I turned 21 and I was super excited cause I could start buying alcohol for minors. This didn't really pan out since I wasn't an elementary school teacher or anything, so instead I bought my parents wine n' stuff with Daddy's hard earned money, which was almost as satisfying. I also wanted to buy cigarettes for an angsty 14 year old or something when I turned 18 but I forgot and instead I called a psychic hotline and was told that my husband beat me. I was surprised since I wasn't married, which I told the girl about 20 times. Boy they sure are smart. THEN when I was in a play in college I had to buy cigarettes for a part and I was very excited because I had never purchased any before. I even smoked about 1/4th of one and tried to act cool because my life long dream is to be in an after school special, but a) it hurt my eyeballs and b) I thought I was going to set something on fire so I stamped it out, threw it in a puddle and waited for it to rain to make sure nothing went wrong. I CAN be a bad influence, I just need practice.

At any rate, the actual point of this post is to talk about my newfound interest in Animal Planet. I've always kind of enjoyed the channel because they inevitably show kittens falling all over each other, but I recently found a show called EXTREME Animals that more or less chooses a theme and goes with it. Like EXTREME Animal baby making, or whatever they called it. Bunnies were only #6 on the list (there's always a top 10 or something), and in the top 5 was a spider that is being eaten by his mate while he's getting her preggers (that is dedication, but not so surprising either), a frog that gives birth to its babies OUT OF ITS BACK, a tapeworm (it was #1 but I couldn't watch cause it's gross), and, my personal favorite, the armadillo, which can delay pregnancy up to *3 years*. 3 freaking years that the lady armadillo can wait until she springs it on some long lost boyfriend. Nice. I also saw a different EXTREME Animals that was "Odd Couples". They showed a bunch of weird stuff, though common in the animal world, like a frog and a spider that are best friends and a shark that has a parasite attached to its eye (mmmm eyeball juice), but there was an adorable segment that showed a grizzly bear that had made friends with a kitty. Apparently, one day the kitty pranced up to the giant pile of possible kitty meat that the bear was munching on in a state park and started to snarf some of the bear's meal. Instead of eating the kitty, the bear decided it needed a pet. So the little mew now sleeps under the bear's chin and follows it around and generally is snuggletastic and in return the bear gets to learn responsibility and doesn't eat it. Nature sure is swell. On the top 10 countdown of all time, the number 1 most EXTREME animal was some sort of miscroscopic bug. I was displeased.



Monday, May 02, 2005

Trekkie part 4

So this past week was just chock full of filing, filing, and more filing. I got back from home on Tuesday, had Wednesday to workout n' stuff, and then scampered back to HLS on Thursday and Friday. Now, I presently work part time in two different jobs. I work for HLS still as a general office assistant and I am going to start working at the Perkins School for the Blind on Tuesday. It's basically 5 hours 2 days a week, which is not ideal since I'd really rather work the *whole* week and stop having my parents pay for groceries, but I'll take what I can get. Turns out I'm not the only one that thinks getting a job in Boston is hard. Moving on, so now I only work 2 days at HLS, this past Thursday and Friday and the Monday and Tuesday preceeding that. So I've been out of the office for about a week. I return on Thursday and there must be over 1,000 applications for me to file. Just sitting there in alphabetical piles. Not all one alphabet, mind you, but maybe 15 different 100 count ones. At least 100. *sigh* Not that I expected anyone to do any of it, since I suspect that when they DO have the time to file, they just push papers around looking like they're doing something. Mind you, I definitely don't blame them and it's a little hypocritical for me to complain since this is what I signed up for, but YIKES.

Anywhom, Friday was also a red-letter day. Oliver came to pick me up from work so that we could go have lunch together, which we manage to do once a week more or less. As he approached me from 50 ft away on the Law School campus, I gleefully pointed and yelled out "Muuuuuuuuuurse!!!!" in the most sing-songy voice I can manage. Then we proceeded to go to one of my favorite lunch spots, not only for its high quality food but also cheap nature, Campo di Fiori in the Square. I love that place. So awesome. And ruined forever. Of course Trekkie was there. Why would he eat anywhere else? Millions of places to eat in the Square and he happens to be getting his food TO GO at the same time I waltz in with Oliver. I stop dead about 15 ft away and say in a strangled voice to Ov, "Arghhhhh!!! Ponytail!!!!!!" Oliver moves his murse aside to put his arm around me in a most cavalier and boyfriend-like fashion, considering he hates it when I tell him he has a murse. Murse!

Anyway, we siddle up to the window, and I specifically refuse to look anywhere but at the nice Brazilian lady gathering my iced tea together, but that doesn't last very long since Trekkie has to retrieve his food about 10 inches from where I'm standing. I need to have a discussion with my parents about teaching me in my childhood not to be rude. And I'm going to preface my interaction with the Trekkie with an explanation of my mood. I was tired. Hella tired. I had filed for 2 days straight and it really wasn't getting anymore interesting. My break consisted of entering data in Excel because I was that heinously bored. I was not in the correct mood to have an awkward conversation. So I didn't:

"Hey, Meg!"
*awkward pause*
"I see you have a sandwich."
"Yeah it's one of two cheapest places I can eat in the Square."
".... Okay."
"Yeah I like it."
*30 seconds of awkward silence*
"Oliver and I are going to eat here. I see you have food to go."
"Yeah I have errands."
"See you on the walk home."

HELLO CREEPY!!!! See you on the walk home?!??! See you as I watch you sleep from outside your bedroom window wearing nothing but a trashbag, a tophat, and some socks??? Even Oliver, who admits himself that he's not the most perceptive chap on the block, said it was the most awkward social interaction he has ever been privy to. So now I have proof from a friend that I'm totally right about this guy and, additionally, that I have the worst luck possible. Literally, the absolute worst.

In another news, many of my out-of-town college friends are coming into town this weekend to see the Brahms Requiem. I'm really excited and not very happy at the same time. I began to get the vibe a long time ago that I didn't particularly gel at the larger group social gatherings, although people have been perfectly nice about it. I would say that it's my own insecurities rearing their ugly heads, but too many things have been brought to my attention at one point or another of how I've messed up. My immediate reaction is to not leave my apartment this weekend except for the concert, which you would have to use tasers to keep me away from. Hooray for low self-esteem! *cough* We shall see about that whole going out thing. Mayhap a Deep Blue Sea marathon? Honestly, do super intelligent sharks ever get old? I think not. Does playing fetch with Kitty and my half eaten necklace? Yes.