Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I so very didn't want to exercise today

But I hads me an assppointment, so I went. I arrive at noonish and notice that my trainer is cheating on me with some dude who is not even half as adorable as I am in my stripey yoga pants. Can't he coordinate?? At any rate, the first thing out of Babs's mouth is "You're killing me". I got the time wrong. Again. My response was "Best. Client. Ever." To which he miggled, or man-giggled for those who can't follow the lingo. Anyway, Emily showed up and after talking and not working out, we observed some dude who lifts a couple of reps, moves on to a new machine, then reads his newspaper for, oh say, 10 minutes. After 25 minutes of weight lifting wherein I did more reps than he probably does in a *year*, he began to make phone calls on his cellphone. Which leads me to ponder, WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING?!?! You pay for a membership to go to a gym and then read the Sunday paper and do a little business. Wow. Em was horrified when she learned that her last machine she had to use was the very same one he had set up shop on about 15 minutes prior. She siddled over and asked if she could, "Slide into his routine". Maybe there's time in between the financial section and sports. Emily also listens to reggae when she lifts weights and, apparently, her ability to focus on exercising is entirely dependent on what's playing on her ipod. Too slow and she can't workout. So cute.

Also, I forgot to write about my guilty pleasure whilst I was home this weekend. On Sunday night they were showing America's Top 40 Live with Ryan Seacrest, who probably dies a little inside each day from being such a tool. Of course I watched it. I'm fascinated by Justin McCartney and his mismatched eyebrows and actual hair. Does he color them? Are they just filled in by an overzealous makeup artist? The world may never know. At any rate, turns out that both he and Hoobastank SUCK live. Honestly. They have probably sung their popular song about 70 MILLION times and they still blow. Wow. Learn to sing your 5 notes in tune, guys. Not that complicated. And Akon, my heart of hearts, also had a little performance. I am seriously the only person I know who likes his song and I'm smitten. He came onstage in his little button-up blue shirt and his little pair of jeans and he held hands with people in the audience and was generally adorable and seemed very down to earth. He will have my babies. Or something like that.

Anyway, two last things and then I have to skeedaddle because my cat is caught in the hamper again. Oh, Kitty. You shall never learn. First of all, yet another scary scary website from my brother: Go to the highspeed version. Growing Pants, anyone? *Yikes*. Secondly, when I arrived home last night, I walked in the kitchen and there was an unopened can of catfood in Mew's bowl. Apparently Richard is trying to train her to open cans. He says it was a joke, but I know from other sources that he had his own little struggle with opening the catfood. Nice.


M said...

Oooh I meant Growing PAINS. Freud would have a field day with me. Of course, he hated women and children but still saw fit to analyze them. I miss Psych 1, good class, good class.

Emily said...


(You just knew I was going to post that, didn't you...)

Anonymous said...

arrested development? meet you in five minutes in the living room? done and done.

M said...

I have to heat my pizza first, but then we can watch. And Mew only meows at you because she wants your approval.

Anonymous said...

oh boy! i'm going to steal a jello. it's like christmas in july!

M said...

If you keep stealing my jello, you're going to have to buy me more. And it creeps me out when you lurk. Okay, Arrested Development.

Anonymous said...

1. i'm buying more jello manana.
2. i share with you my bounty of reduced fat cheez-its.
3. i am awesome.
4. imperative *
5. see you in the living room.