Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I have not posted in a little bit and normally I would apologize to those of you who care, but I sense that only Liz really seems to care. In fact, she makes me feel downright guilty sometimes, but right now she's so focused on the LSAT that it appears that I have gone by the wayside. *sob* On the other hand, I can now post at my leisure. Take THAT, friends!!! Wait...

Anyway, I have officially started working at the Perkins Center for Deaf/Blind Children. This means that they are deaf AND blind, which must SUCK. On the other hand, they're super cute so they have that working for them. It's all for the better that I don't know sign language, or I would teach them key ways to get around in the world, like how to sucker your parents into buying you stuff and how to look so amazingly adorable that no one can resist your requests, etc. I can't wait to corrupt my own children someday. This reminds me of the time when I turned 21 and I was super excited cause I could start buying alcohol for minors. This didn't really pan out since I wasn't an elementary school teacher or anything, so instead I bought my parents wine n' stuff with Daddy's hard earned money, which was almost as satisfying. I also wanted to buy cigarettes for an angsty 14 year old or something when I turned 18 but I forgot and instead I called a psychic hotline and was told that my husband beat me. I was surprised since I wasn't married, which I told the girl about 20 times. Boy they sure are smart. THEN when I was in a play in college I had to buy cigarettes for a part and I was very excited because I had never purchased any before. I even smoked about 1/4th of one and tried to act cool because my life long dream is to be in an after school special, but a) it hurt my eyeballs and b) I thought I was going to set something on fire so I stamped it out, threw it in a puddle and waited for it to rain to make sure nothing went wrong. I CAN be a bad influence, I just need practice.

At any rate, the actual point of this post is to talk about my newfound interest in Animal Planet. I've always kind of enjoyed the channel because they inevitably show kittens falling all over each other, but I recently found a show called EXTREME Animals that more or less chooses a theme and goes with it. Like EXTREME Animal baby making, or whatever they called it. Bunnies were only #6 on the list (there's always a top 10 or something), and in the top 5 was a spider that is being eaten by his mate while he's getting her preggers (that is dedication, but not so surprising either), a frog that gives birth to its babies OUT OF ITS BACK, a tapeworm (it was #1 but I couldn't watch cause it's gross), and, my personal favorite, the armadillo, which can delay pregnancy up to *3 years*. 3 freaking years that the lady armadillo can wait until she springs it on some long lost boyfriend. Nice. I also saw a different EXTREME Animals that was "Odd Couples". They showed a bunch of weird stuff, though common in the animal world, like a frog and a spider that are best friends and a shark that has a parasite attached to its eye (mmmm eyeball juice), but there was an adorable segment that showed a grizzly bear that had made friends with a kitty. Apparently, one day the kitty pranced up to the giant pile of possible kitty meat that the bear was munching on in a state park and started to snarf some of the bear's meal. Instead of eating the kitty, the bear decided it needed a pet. So the little mew now sleeps under the bear's chin and follows it around and generally is snuggletastic and in return the bear gets to learn responsibility and doesn't eat it. Nature sure is swell. On the top 10 countdown of all time, the number 1 most EXTREME animal was some sort of miscroscopic bug. I was displeased.




Anonymous said...

Was the kitty's name Nermal? So cute :)

Emily said...

Extreeeeeeeeeeeeme fire ant!

Also, extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeme Graciela!

Amy Barr said...

Yay! Meg posted!

Wasn't Perkins where Annie Sullivan went to school?

Anonymous said...

I promise I had this long, involved response all typed out and then blogger deleted the thing ("blog could not be found" my EYE!!!), so in short:

Meg's blog = the meaning of life
Life w/o World of Shpink = black depths of HELL
failure on the LSAT = not so bad if Meg posted every day

Oozing. Yes, I said it. And chunks. Imagine babies popping out of YOUR back!!!
