Thursday, March 24, 2005

And it's almost Friday

So I appear to have nothing to do tomorrow except try to convince some wayward friends to go see the Ring 2 with me. Might as well since Emily's out of town cause she is not all about the fear. Em, it's only PG13!! So what if there's freaky death??? And what I think is a deer, but I can't really tell from the previews. Also, in case anyone missed the "comments" on my last post, Jason really does need to burn his mancard now and Lindsay Lohan's breastses scare me muchly. Ech. And I, for one, miss Pete.

Anyway, today I decided to try the KWONDO class at my gym, despite feeling much like crap for the majority of the day. I took my dry cleaning for the first time in 2 months and scampered off to Porter Square for some aerobic fun times. Okay, first of all, half of the girls in that class didn't even try as hard as they should have, and, secondly, I have a cold, which means I can't breathe properly. So I jumped around and acted like I was punching things (i.e. the air) and listened to the instructor hum along to the techno a couple of octaves above his given vocal range. All in all good times, even though I felt myself faltering after only 30 minutes. I picked it back up for the last 10, but I was mad at myself because I expected the class to last an hour and I was hella tired after 45 minutes. So lame. I walk an hour to work, work out at least 4 times a week, have started running a mile before each session to warm up, and I'm tired doing KWONDO. Whatever that means. So lame.

I was also inspired to check out health supplements in the hippie section of the grocery store. I called my ex-roommate Liz because I didn't feel comfortable being left alone to my own devices surrounded by "organic products". Knowing me, I would just end up kicking someone in the nads and breaking a box of soy milk or something. At any rate, I browsed their vitamins and then grabbed some organicky crackers. I lost my nerve when I saw some hippie browsing though. I hate hippies. Stupid tree-huggers. And I am all about animal rights, moreso than most I would say, but I will personally give a rug burn to anyone I meet that's a part of PETA.

Other than that my day has been spent trying not to get readdicted to Ebay cause it's fawesome. And I do mean fawesome. It's all....full of stuff....and deals that aren't really deals but if you read the fine print they're really ripping you off. It makes me all snuggly inside. *giggle*


Anonymous said...

Heh heh... hippies. Why do they all smell so bad? I feel your pain, Meg. I feel your pain!!! If I see the Ring 2 at the same time as you here in New York does that count? Or has our psychic bond deteriorated too much for it to matter? Oh, the humanity!!! Oh Trevor! I pine for yoooouuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

did you know that meatloaf rocks harder than vampires? this is surprising to many people, but it's true.

Amy Barr said...

What's wrong with PETA? I'm a member of People Eating Tasty Animals.

If God hadn't wanted us to eat animals, why did He make them out of meat?