Monday, March 14, 2005

Post Numero Uno

So this is clearly the first blog posting that I have ever done. I feel that a new era has scampered out from under a rock for me. I tell myself that this blog is to update people on the general rediculousness of my life, but it's also just because I like to vent a lot. I've never been a big writer, but I find that in general it's a good way for me to sort of lay things on the table. Kind of the same way I make lists when I'm trying to weigh important decisions, like whether or not I should bother making risotto for dinner when I know full well that it's not the most diet friendly food. But I digress.

So I guess to catch anyone up on what I'm doing, basically I'm temping and trying to secure an internship with a documentary film maker that my father knows. Temping: not so fun, but neither is a) paying rent or b) the Boston winter. How ironic that I seem to have acquired all three at once. I was positive about my decision to return to Boston because I felt kind of like a bum at home and now all I miss the accessibility of a car and, say, sunshine. Thus, I am presently attempting to figure out whether or not I want a graduate degree for Arts Administration. I have no idea where that's going to go as of yet, but I'm optimistic. Hurrah!

Okay, so recently nothing much exciting has been happening, although I'm sure these things will reveal themselves provided I keep up with this nonsense. But for today, a mildly amusing story.

So I wake up today and go work out with Babs, the nickname I have dubbed my loveable weight trainer with whom my time is running short. Hooray for special discounts on packages of weight training and parents that are willing to fork over a little money so I don't die of obesity tomorrow, but foo on them ending. At any rate, Babs and I finish our session with his usual "You're an animal, Meg!" at which point I typically manage to turn immediately around into a wall. I shower and begin to dress with lots of uncomfortably naked womens in a locker room that can't be hygenic. That's when I notice that OH YES I forgot to pack underwear. Returning home is not an option without shaving a hearty hour off of work, so today turned into both an amusing and primarily horrifying day wherein it was the first and last time I ever go "commando". I would estimate that 90% of my energy was spent attempting to monitor the height of my jeans in relation to my butt cheeks, the other 10% divided equally amongst trying to stay awake and filing. At lunch I caught the eye of a student who kept staring at me in that "You aren't wearing underwear" manner. At first I thought something akin to naked nightmares had occurred, then he spoke and I realized that he was probably just German. Needless to say, it all ended without incident but I'm still pretty horrified. As Caroline put it, "You mean there's only a thin shield of denim between you and me? We're almost having sex!"

Indeed, Caroline. Indeed.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I was distraught when I saw, upon my inaugural reading of the blog, that you already had two comments... "How inattentive of you, Emily!" I reprimanded myself, wracking my brain for suitable pennance rituals. Then I clicked on the comments and saw that they were both from Jeff, and I felt better, because I've already made my peace with the fact that he's the bestest stalker of us all. But hurrah for being a close second, and hurrah for this lovely new blog!!