Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Strawberry yogurt cheerios

They're awesome. Try them. They're like eating those Japanese "cookies" that are little angry panda wafers filled with an unidentifiable, vaguely berry flavored frosting. Holy crap so good. And vanilla creme Wheaties. I have no idea why. And it turns out, given the proper motivation, I can really pack them away.

Speaking of which, I got an internship, which surprised my parents to no end since they thought I'd mooch off of them forever. So did I, but things haven't turned out in my favor. So basically what I do all day at work is to wait for someone to give me something to do, read advertising magazines, and act like I have a freaking clue what half the things they say mean. Oh yeah, I'm working at one of Dallas's largest advertising and marketing firms founded by a man named Stan Richards, who turns out to be famous, so that's cool. Wow the keyboard of this Mac sucks. I feel like I might be blogging a lot more now that I have to work and can't spend my entire day watching Judge Joe Brown and trying to get my shoes back from the stupid dog. I think probably the only thing that really annoys me at work right now is that despite the fact that 600+ people work here, we have some hella morons making coffee. It always smells frightening and burned, but today it smelled like meat. MEAT. I don't know where they found beef flavored coffee, but I sure can't figure out why they decided to brew it instead of carving out their olfactory organ.

So on to my first choir rehearsal last night. To clarify, being in Dallas brings back rather stark memories of my high school experience and, as such, any choir I sing with will seem decent by comparison. Naturally, the choir really isn't that good but they're not horrible either for being a community choir that is all volunteers. I am definitely the next to youngest, with the exception of my future boyfriend, who is actually pretty hot. I imagine that we'll date for a little while and either he will dump me after 1 week or I will dump him after 1 month, so I have that to look forward to. If he's gay we'll probably get married or something until he has a crisis at 35 and proceeds to hit on 20 year old girls at weddings. Other than that, about 80% of the choir is 50 years old or above. Some 70ish man totally checked me out, but I'm pretty sure it's because he couldn't see too well due to his rheumatism and mistook me for his 55 year old piece of sweet, sweet ass. I actually had a moment of bonding with one of the older women, until I told her my name and she chuckled good naturedly, at which point it became fairly obvious that she couldn't hear a word of the conversation. That can only bode well for tuning. At one point, our overly polite conductor asked the sopranos (who SUCK) to try to sing the same F. Mind you, this is not a high note for sopranos. Every soprano I know, even the crappy ones, eat that kind of thing for breakfast. But without practice and when you get older, your voice goes down in pitch and Granny just can't do it anymore. At any rate, when asked to sing a unison, I counted about 9 different notes from 7 sopranos and one bass, which seemed to just sing regardless of who was rehearsing at the time.

As a result, my week has been both adorable and scary. So, scadorabry.


Emily said...

Dude, you're employed! Now you have to change your subheading. Oh, the trials of actually having a job (not that I would know)...

Anonymous said...

The Richard's Group! That's awesome Meg! Make sure to look up Charlotte Hudson, she just got a job there as well. Good luck with the choir thing, just think: no matter how bad it is, I could always be singing and that is much much worse. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

I've been eating Hello Panda snacks since I was old enough to crap my little pants and throw the underwear away. In any case, Choir Boy (now known only as CB) (not to be confused with Cheap Bastard) is totally gay. You already know it.

M said...

Of course CB is gay. That doesn't mean we can't have a meaningfully short relationship.