Thursday, March 17, 2005

Dating and it's many crapcentricies

I didn't date anyone in high school for an extended period of time, but I feel like I understand the concept of dating. You go out and have fun and if it works out, awesome! If not, well that's what friendships with boys are for. I found that people in college primarily seemed to think you can only go on dates with people who will be your future spouse. That is retarded. If I wanted to get married, I would become a mail order bride and leave it at that. Dates aren't even for serious relationships I believe. That's amazing if it turns out that way and, naturally, I, too, would like a boyfriend, but I can't imagine assuming one person will be it. I've tried that and they dumped me after two weeks. Go sophomore year!

Anyway, I have to wonder why I continually find myself in awkward non dating situations. By which I mean I have a crush on someone I shouldn't and then just silently wish to do something as simple as going out and having fun on a Friday night, followed mayhap by accidental kissing actions. Which leads to excessive fear of bringing it up because I only ever want to date people I get along well with and, therefore, I want them as friends too. That sucks. Don't get me wrong, I *love* crushes. It gives me a reason to not look heinously ugly on a daily basis. They are snoodles of fun but frustrating because I find that very rarely am I interested in someone. Do I develop crushes often? No. Do I have one now? Of course. Why the hell not? Winter's almost over! Time for some unrequited lovin'! And scene.

Also, my brother provides other proof of my elusive toaster:
And I hear that there's a lawnmower that hovers. Does it make toast, I ask you? I sense an awkward silence.

People I love today: Ranga, Bill Hite, Dave for keeping me amused, and that dude in the Law School who looked at me like I'm diseased or something. Rock on.

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